Saturday, October 1, 2011

Papaw Ebb, Retouched

This project is a photo of my great grandfather, Ebb Tomblin. Papaw Ebb was born in the Logan, West Virginia area, and moved to Thurman, Ohio as an adult. His farmhouse became the center of our family's life; the best of my childhood memories took place at that house. Papaw Ebb passed away in 1979, when I was only five years old, so I only have a few scattered memories of him. However, the home he established for his family left a legacy for us all. The home is empty and abandoned now, but his legacy lives on, because for the past twenty years or more, the road that house stood has been known as "Ebb Tomblin Road". So here is a young photo of Ebb, lovingly restored to be passed on for many more generations.


(color adjust)

 (tears, mold stains, blemishes removed)

(background changed)


1 comment:

  1. really this blog very helpful for growth of knowledge...thanx for this information...
